Socializing in coworking spaces: how to improve your conversation skills

Coworking spaces are not just shared workplaces, they are also social hubs where independent professionals, entrepreneurs and freelancers rub shoulders on a daily basis. These environments offer excellent opportunities to make professional contacts, find project partners and expand your network. However, for some, striking up a conversation or socializing can be a real challenge. In this article, we’ll explore how to improve your conversation skills in a coworking space to take advantage of these dynamic environments.

1. Be open and approachable

In a coworking space, the first step to improving your conversation skills is to be approachable. Having an open attitude, smiling and making eye contact will help you appear more approachable. Don’t be constantly isolated with your headphones on: it sends a clear message that you’re not available.

Practical tip: Try to sit in communal areas from time to time rather than staying in a private corner all the time. This encourages spontaneous exchanges.

2. Use break times

Coworking spaces often have communal kitchens, coffee corners or relaxed lounges where members meet up for short breaks. These moments are ideal for starting light conversations and getting to know your coworking colleagues without any pressure.

Practical tip: Ask simple questions about their project or what led them to work in this coworking space. Open questions make it easier to talk.

3. Master the art of active listening

Improving your conversational skills also involves listening. The ability to listen carefully to what others are saying shows your genuine interest in the discussion and encourages deeper exchanges.

Practical tip: Ask follow-up questions or rephrase what the person has said to show that you are actively listening. For example: ‘That’s interesting, you mentioned that you’re working on a digital marketing project. Can you tell me more about that?’

4. Start with common topics

Coworking itself is a topic of interest shared by everyone in the space. Use it as a springboard to start conversations. You can ask questions about what attracted others to that particular space or discuss events organized by the coworking space.

Practical tip: Ask other people why they chose this coworking space or what aspects they like best about it. This is a simple way of starting a conversation without appearing intrusive.

5. Take part in community events

Most coworking spaces organize community events such as workshops, conferences or group lunches. These events are the perfect time to practice your conversation skills in a more relaxed and informal setting.

Practical tip: Sign up regularly for these events and be proactive. Sharing a common topic makes it easier to interact and break the ice quickly.

6. Find subjects of professional interest

In a coworking space, professional conversations are commonplace. Identifying topics of common interest in your field can greatly facilitate exchanges. Whether it’s discussing digital tools, marketing strategies or trends in your sector, these conversations can be beneficial both socially and professionally.

Practical tip: Be prepared to share your experiences or advice, but also to ask other members for feedback or tips. This shows that you value their expertise.

7. Stay authentic and natural

When you’re interacting with other people in a coworking space, it’s important to remain authentic. Don’t force a conversation if it doesn’t flow naturally. Sincerity in your exchanges will help you create stronger relationships.

Practical tip: Don’t be afraid to show your true intentions. If you’re curious about someone because you’re intrigued by their project, just say so.

8. Use humour wisely

Humor is often a great way to lighten up a conversation and create an instant connection. However, make sure it’s appropriate to the context and personality of the person you’re talking to.

Practical tip: A humorous remark about a light-hearted situation (such as a problem with the coffee machine) can easily break the ice and put everyone at ease.

9. Be patient and persistent

Improving your conversational skills doesn’t happen overnight. Some interactions may be more difficult than others, or you may not immediately feel a connection. Be patient and persevere. Every exchange is a learning opportunity.

10. Learn how to close a conversation

Just as important as starting a conversation is knowing how to end it politely and naturally. If you feel that the discussion is coming to an end or that you need to get back to your tasks, close the conversation by thanking the person for the exchange.

Practical tip: A simple phrase like ‘It was nice chatting with you, see you in the common space!’ will leave on a positive note and leave the door open for future interactions.

Socializing in coworking spaces is a key skill for strengthening your network, building professional relationships and enhancing your overall experience. By adopting an open approach, actively listening and seizing opportunities for exchange, you can quickly develop conversational skills that will help you make the most of these dynamic environments.

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