23 May 2022


 What is the average revenue of a coworking space?

If you are using the square footage calculation in your planning or analysis, you are probably doing it incorrectly. This is not good! We’ll be honest: you and coworking have a long way to go before you feel comfortable. While analyzing square footage can be helpful, it’s critical to remember that coworking revenue is not

 What is the average revenue of a coworking space? Read More »


If I can fit a total of 50 people in a coworking space at once, how?

This is based on your disposition (physical capacity, which we will also call allocation) and the frequency with which you use your limbs (logical capacity, which we will also call demand). There are a multitude of variables at play, all of which can have different effects. The specifics of your scenario may be known to

If I can fit a total of 50 people in a coworking space at once, how? Read More »

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Color Business Center


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Color Business Center
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