Do you do video conferencing? We hope you do  these things

Videoconferencing has become an indispensable tool for modern businesses, especially with the rise of teleworking and geographically dispersed teams. But for them to be effective, it’s essential to follow certain practices. Here’s what you need to do to get the most out of your online meetings.

1. Ensure a stable Internet connection

An unstable Internet connection can turn a productive video conference into a frustrating experience. Make sure your connection is fast and stable enough to support HD video and quality audio.

Practical tip: If possible, connect to a wired network rather than Wi-Fi to reduce the risk of interruptions. If your connection is weak, turn off the video and concentrate on the audio to maintain clear communication.

2. Choose an appropriate background

Your working environment in the background says a lot about your professionalism. A cluttered or messy background can distract your audience and detract from the image you want to project.

Practical tip: Opt for a simple, clean background, or use the background blur features offered by many video conferencing platforms. Make sure you also have good lighting, ideally natural lighting, so that your face is clearly visible.

3. Prepare in advance

As with a physical meeting, preparation is key to a successful video conference. Make sure you know the agenda, have the necessary documents to hand and test your equipment in advance.

Practical tip: Test your camera, microphone and speakers before the meeting starts. Close any unnecessary applications or tabs to avoid distractions and technical interference.

4. Dress professionally

Even if you’re working from home, dressing professionally helps to create a serious working atmosphere. What’s more, it has a positive influence on your state of mind and attitude during the meeting.

Practical tip: Dress as you would for a face-to-face meeting, at least from the waist up. This shows respect for your colleagues and customers and reinforces your credibility.

5. Respect other people’s speaking time

Video conferences can sometimes be chaotic, especially if several people are trying to speak at the same time. Respecting other people’s speaking time is essential to maintaining clear and orderly communication.

Practical tip: Use the ‘raise your hand’ function available on many platforms to indicate that you wish to speak. Wait until the person has finished before speaking to avoid interruptions.

6. Avoid multitasking

It can be tempting to do something else during a video conference, especially if you’re not directly involved in the discussion. However, multitasking can cause you to miss important information and give the wrong impression.

Practical tip: Concentrate fully on the meeting. Take notes if necessary and participate actively in the discussions. If you need to attend to other tasks, excuse yourself from the meeting temporarily.

Video conferencing is an excellent way of maintaining communication in an increasingly flexible working environment. By following these best practices, you can ensure that your online meetings are as efficient and professional as possible. By investing a little time in preparation and adopting a respectful, focused attitude, you can make every video conference a success.

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