12 benchmarks for your home and remote working hours

Have you ever wondered how to optimise your home and remote working hours? As more and more companies embrace remote working, it’s crucial to find benchmarks for maintaining productivity and a good work-life balance. Here are 12 essential tips for structuring your home and remote working days.

1. Define clear working hours

The first step to successfully working from home is to define clear working hours. Choose specific times to start and end your working day, and stick to them. This will help you avoid mixing work and personal life.

2. Create a dedicated workspace

Set up a separate workspace, even if it’s a corner of your living room or a small table in your bedroom. A dedicated space helps you concentrate and separate work from play.

3. Plan your daily tasks

Make a daily to-do list to stay organized. Prioritize the most important tasks and make sure you do them first. This will give you a sense of achievement and keep you motivated.

 4. Use Time Management Tools

Use time management tools like digital calendars, to-do list apps or time management techniques like the Pomodoro method. These tools can help you stay on track and manage your time effectively.

5. Take regular breaks

Take regular breaks to avoid mental fatigue. Take a 5-10 minute break every hour to stretch, take a walk or simply step away from the screen.

 6. Maintain a morning routine

Adopt a morning routine that prepares you for the working day. This could include exercise, a shower, a balanced breakfast and a moment to relax before you start work.

7. Limit distractions

Identify and minimize distractions in your working environment. This can include turning off unnecessary notifications, creating specific time slots for checking emails and setting up rules with family members.

8. Communicate effectively with your team

Maintain regular and clear communication with your team. Use communication tools such as Slack, Zoom or Microsoft Teams to stay connected and informed about ongoing projects.

9 – Set clear limits

Learn to say no and set clear boundaries between work and personal life. Don’t let work invade your personal time and make sure you log off at the end of the working day.

10. Exercise regularly

Physical exercise is essential for maintaining a good mental and physical balance. Incorporate regular exercise sessions into your daily routine, whether it’s a walk, yoga or a more intense sports session.

11. Make time for yourself

Set aside time for activities you enjoy outside work. This could include hobbies, reading, spending time with family or friends, or any other activity that allows you to relax and recharge your batteries.

12. Take regular stock

Take the time to regularly review your work-at-home routine. Identify what’s working well and what can be improved. Adjust your working hours and methods accordingly to maintain an optimum balance.

By adopting these 12 benchmarks, you can optimize your home and remote working hours, improve your productivity and maintain a good work-life balance. Whether you’re an entrepreneur, freelancer, self-employed or run a small or medium-sized business, these tips will help you navigate the world of remote working effectively.

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