Business recovery in Luxembourg: the Color Business Center initiative in Bertrange and Strassen

While the future remains uncertain for economic activity in Europe, some countries have already started to “get the ball rolling”. But what can you, as an entrepreneur, do when the epidemic has profoundly reshaped the economic fabric? The Color Business Center is setting up innovative initiatives.

The Covid-19 epidemic, a crisis that spares few companies

Most European countries, such as France, Luxembourg and Germany, have put in place population containment measures to stem the spread of the epidemic. As a result of these measures, business activity has been severely disrupted. Unable to go to the office and telecommuting have become the daily routine for millions of workers. Thus, many companies find themselves in financial difficulties because the confinement forbids them to exercise and it is all the economic actors who are victims of these measures. In order to avoid the closure of many companies and establishments, a solidarity movement has been set up to help them.

The example of the Color Business Center to support the recovery in Luxembourg

The Color Business Center, witnessing the difficulties faced by companies with an office in Luxembourg is aware that solidarity and the key to the recovery of economic activity. Thus, in order to help in its own way and to revitalize the economy in Bertrange and Strassen, the Business Center will set up initiatives in its offices and coworking and this, from the end of the confinement. The goal of these initiatives is to offer entrepreneurs who are not overwhelmed by the crisis, the means to get back on their feet and to get the activity going again little by little in Luxembourg.

This initiative is characterized by its recent collaboration with Sacred Heart University Luxembourg to create within the Color Business Center coworking space a “relaunch incubator”.

The business center’s solidarity initiative: details of the measures taken

Concretely, this is characterized by the provision of coworking space made available FREE to participants in this initiative, and this from Monday to Friday for 5 hours per day for 3 months! In addition, these workspaces will have all the features offered by the business center: broadband internet, dedicated offices and coworking furnished and equipped, cleaning, meeting room, kitchenette, etc. …

Finally, participating entrepreneurs will receive free coaching from Sacred Heart University professors every day from 12:30 to 1:30 pm.  This time slot will allow for the exchange of targeted advice adapted to the issues raised.

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