Why rent an office instead of staying at home?

Many Luxembourg workers believe that their employer should offer them the possibility of working remotely. But despite the new telework law, many workers say that their employer has not extended the possibility of working from home in recent years. This may be due, in part, to the misconception that telecommuting is little more than sitting in front of a computer or television while working. But contrary to popular belief, telecommuting is not limited to the comfort of your own home. Instead of working from home, why not save money and rent an office?

Rent an office: Avoiding distractions

There are many things that can distract your attention from your work when you’re at home, including laundry, dishes, children, television and mail. Concentration problems can occur on occasion. Especially considering that some workers do not have access to an optimal work environment due to a lack of suitable office space. The people in your immediate vicinity can also serve as a distraction. Because you are at home, you may be asked to help out at home at inopportune times.

The ability to set up a dedicated work space in nature can help you get a lot of work done in a short amount of time. Plus, it’s a welcome diversion from the monotony of combining work and family life.

To make new friends

Coworking spaces are ideal for those who need to rent an office but prefer to work from home. Yes, it is true that many shared offices can be rented by the day or even by the hour. These coworking spaces offer you a place to work and the opportunity to network with other professionals over a cup of coffee, a meal, a break or a joint project.

By attending one of these meetings, you can take a step back from your work and your role in the overall business. The best technique to approach a new concept. Another benefit is the opportunity to hear from knowledgeable people.

Rent an office: Collaborate with others

Why not see if your colleagues would be interested in joining you in a coworking space if you make the decision to move your office? It’s possible to find offices to rent for a day so your entire team can work together in a different environment. And what’s the advantage? Breaking the routine and thinking outside the box. As a bonus, if your co-workers live in the same area, you can save time on your daily commute.

Spend less on travel

It’s easy to overlook the fact that telecommuting can allow you to start your weekend on Thursday instead of Friday night, giving you more time for fun and relaxation. This can significantly reduce your ticket price. Don’t waste time at the hotel or at home worrying about work; instead, consider renting an office at a nearby coworking space. That way, you can work and still feel like you’re on vacation.

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