How to advertise your coworking space?

You’ve recently opened, or are about to open, a coworking space and are looking for potential tenants. It’s certainly not that easy! Rivalry is high and studies show that only 65% of coworking spaces have optimal occupancy rates. So it’s essential that you get the word out to your colleagues if you want to achieve some level of success. Here’s a list of suggestions for getting the word out about your space.

1. Choose a solid method of advertising your coworking space

To start spreading the word about your coworking space, you can use more conventional methods of advertising. Answering the following questions will help you develop an effective communication strategy:

  • Who is your target audience? Small and medium-sized businesses, start-ups, multinational companies or independent entrepreneurs?
  • Do they come from far away or do they live here?
  • What is the objective of this public relations campaign? In order to recruit new members? How many people are in the group?
  • What are my options and resources? How much time is involved? How much funding do we have available?
  • How should I proceed? Partnership? Advertising? Blog posts?
  • What exactly do I want to express?

Once you’ve answered these questions, it’s time to think about the best channels to get the word out about your coworking space. Online or print media? In the modern internet age, coworking spaces continue to rely heavily on digital information, including social media, as their primary source of communication. Yes, they can save you money and help you reach a wide audience.

2. Schedule activities

You can host any type of party as a co-worker because you have access to a large gathering space. Hosting events that are accessible to both coworking space members and the general public is another approach to drawing attention to your coworking space and spreading the word. People who might become clients can meet the staff and see the facility in an informal setting. Use your imagination once again! If you want to keep your current customers happy and attract new ones, as well as introduce your coworking space to entrepreneurs and curious locals, plan activities that will appeal to both groups. Don’t assume that everyone in the office will enjoy the same types of events, plan accordingly. There are a plethora of possibilities, from opening night to after-parties to interactive seminars and trainings.

3. Form alliances with neighboring organizations and businesses

Get the word out about your coworking space by reaching out to organizations that have helped you get started in the past, such as local governments, business groups, economic development agencies, etc. In most cases, these people have access to the media and the general public and are eager to spread the word about your coworking space in exchange for credit on the project.

In conclusion, local business owners will likely welcome the establishment of a coworking space, as it will increase foot traffic to their establishments.

Take this opportunity to solicit their help and get it done. Perhaps they will promote you through word of mouth or by posting your flyers in their stores. It is not out of the question to think about forming a collaboration with them, perhaps in the form of reduced price lunches or dinners for employees.

Hopefully, the information offered here will be helpful in spreading the word about your coworking space and recruiting new members. But there’s still one crucial outreach technique: personal recommendations. To attract new members, your coworking space needs people who are invested in the success of the group.

And if you are looking for a coworking space in Luxembourg, Color Business Center is happy to welcome you as a member in one of its premises.

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