Occupational health and safety measures by the Color Business Center

“The goal is to be able to announce new measures on May 11. If the figures are positive, we will be able to analyze the possibility of reopening small businesses,” said the Luxembourg Prime Minister on RTL.

Great news full of hope for entrepreneurs in the Grand Duchy.

“Declarations to be taken with the conditional since everything will depend on the evolution of the epidemic of coronavirus in the country” also announces 5minutes.rtl.lu .

But if this information proves to be true, what will happen to the workers’ daily lives?

A new wave comes quickly and it is everyone’s responsibility to follow sanitary measures to avoid a relapse.

Employers have an obligation to protect the health of their customers and employees. Here are some tips to apply:

  • It is essential to stay informed of the situation in order to understand and control the epidemic. The government is constantly communicating safety tips. (https://gouvernement.lu/fr.html)
  • Continue to respect the barrier gestures applicable to all employees (wash hands regularly, cough or sneeze into your elbow, greet without shaking hands and avoid hugging, use single-use tissues) and communicate frequently on this subject.
  • Encourage teleworking whenever possible
  • Implement prevention measures adapted to your activity.

Color Business Center does not take these measures lightly and intends to act accordingly so as not to endanger the health of its employees as well as its tenants, which is paramount.

Security measures will be put in place as of Monday, May 11 in our three facilities:

  • Hydro-alcoholic solution available in common rooms
  • One customer at a time will be able to go to the reception
  • Posters reminding the barrier gestures will be put up on the walls in different strategic places, in order to sensitize a maximum of people
  • The coworking spaces will be rearranged to always leave a minimum distance of 1 meter between each person
  • A mask must be worn when entering any of the buildings; to be kept on if the person is not alone in the office
  • Use a single-use tissue and dispose of it without touching the common trash can

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