Top tech features for a safe coworking space

In recent years, technology has made significant advances to help those directly affected by it. Some of these advances are the result of normal development, while others are significant. It is still possible to continue daily activities and work despite the COVID-19 outbreak, but technology has shown its value in making this possible. The same is true for coworking spaces. Coworking spaces have been essential in providing the flexibility needed for the ongoing pandemic, as companies are always looking to get their employees back in the office. Because of this, coworking space owners and operators have had to incorporate specific technology and utility elements to ensure the safety and productivity of their tenants. When looking to upgrade your coworking space, there are a number of elements to consider, including HVAC systems and touchless features, as well as occupancy tracking.

HVAC Systems

It’s possible to create a hostile environment for dangerous diseases when working in a closed office with other people. That’s why a more advanced HVAC system is crucial to returning to the office safely. Members of your coworking space will appreciate working in a cleaner, more comfortable environment if you upgrade the HVAC system. As a result, employees aren’t exposed to the same poor quality recycled air, which is better for their health and safety.

Technology that requires no physical contact

Touchless technology is a high-end technological feature that is essential for any coworking space. Users can rest assured knowing that they will not be infected by touching typical workplace surfaces, as surface transmission is no longer a key mechanism of infection for COVID-19. Therefore, purchasing an application that allows users to enter and exit buildings, as well as parking lots, is a necessity. In fact, the app can be used to generate a QR code that will allow users to enter a building without the need for face-to-face communication.

Reservations can be made via the internet

Another element that promotes a safe, comfortable and productive work environment for users is an online reservation system. Offices, conference rooms and social lounges can be booked on the day and time of one’s choosing through this tool. Both coworking space operators and members can benefit from an online reservation system, as it helps maintain order and security while keeping track of who uses which workstations and for how long. As a result, it eliminates the need for users and staff to interact face-to-face. Members of a coworking space can select a workspace in advance, then use their phone to check in, access all office space amenities, request maintenance or chat with in-app operators upon arrival at the workspace…. If your coworking space users can tailor their experience to their individual preferences and needs, you’ve done your job.

Keychain tracking

In order to make the coworking space a better and safer place for its members, keychain tracking is a technological improvement. Access to occupancy statistics and information about how the space is being used is essential to improving the coworking space. Coworking space owners and managers can use keychain tracking to gather important statistics about their space. Office space owners and operators can get a better idea of how busy their space is by tracking how many people are there at any given time and which sections are busiest and when. This information gives them the confidence to continue to provide users with a comfortable, healthy and safe work environment.

Technology is expected to play an important role in the future of work. Prospects and members of coworking spaces are more concerned than ever about finding a healthy and safe environment in which to work. Therefore, owners and operators need to invest in high-end technology.

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