What is International Coworking Day?

This day is known as International Coworking Day and is commemorated on 9 August each year. Inquiring minds want to know why this date was chosen. On 9 August 2005, software engineer Brad Neuberg published a blog post in which he introduced the concept of coworking to the world. He aspired to create a community of like-minded people, despite the fact that they all had different professions.

What is the point of commemorating International Coworking Day?

There is much to celebrate today! As a broad movement, it encompasses more than just geographical locations. In today’s environment, people’s working habits are changing. Coworking is gaining in popularity, and this is to be welcomed. Coworking is a broad and adaptable concept that defies easy categorization.

Furthermore, the aim of International Coworking Day is to raise awareness of the many benefits of working from home. If you look for a specific type of coworking space, you will find that each offers its own benefits.

How are coworking spaces celebrating International Coworking Day?

This year, the day will take place on Tuesday 9 August. A joint celebration for all coworking spaces will take place on the same day to allow as many people as possible to participate. This is a great opportunity to get together, especially as many companies have recently arrived in the area.

Some business centers may set up a playlist and encourage everyone to add their favorite song to continue the festivities throughout the day. Then they’ll play them in public spaces (but not too loud, as people still have to work). We can’t wait to hear how the music is mixed!

Join the event, if you want to! We are however open to proposals for this year! If you haven’t signed up yet, feel free to contact the Color Business Center at any time to learn more about our coworking options.

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