The Coworking Blog


The functioning of a coworking space

Launched in Germany, coworking quickly spread to the United States, where it grew rapidly before arriving in Luxembourg in a more refined form. Workplaces specifically dedicated to coworking have sprung up all over Luxembourg. Here you will discover the functionning of a coworking space works, and what are its standards and regulations? How it works […]

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Coworking: a work mode in full expansion

Thanks to technology, coworking has emerged as a new work mode that promotes professional collaboration. In this way, two different ideas are brought together. As a shared workspace and network of workers, coworking encourages collaboration and transparency. In recent years, coworking has spread to all continents. Supportive work environments Different types of workers seek out

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Costs, isolation, comfort… Why choose coworking?

Coworking is appealing to more and more freelancers who prefer to work in a shared space rather than in their own. Shared workspaces have become popular due to the digital revolution and the reorganization of work. Luxembourg’s popularity as a destination for office professionals has continued to grow. However, the success of coworking is not

Costs, isolation, comfort… Why choose coworking? Read More »


Why working in a coworking space is good for your health?

The health benefits of a coworking space outweigh the drawbacks of traditional workspaces. There are several factors that support this claim, which you can read about in the following. Your mental health will benefit Traditional office layouts, boring conference rooms and a demanding work environment are a thing of the past! Coworking spaces offer a

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Coworking space: rent an office or a workstation

Nowadays, coworking offers you the possibility of everything: from a temporary workstation to a dedicated office, to a private space for companies and their employees, and even a private space reserved for them… With a coworking space, you have every chance of finding the ideal work environment. Coworking: a third place with many advantages In

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Discover the solutions of telecommuting in coworking third places

Telecommuting is not just for those who work from home either! Small businesses and employees looking for an alternative to telecommuting from home are both affected by the coworking space concept implemented since its inception. Through this effort, many company employees have been able to save up to a few days of commuting per week.

Discover the solutions of telecommuting in coworking third places Read More »


Coworking, a new way of organizing work

Coworking spaces are developing in Luxembourg at a time when self-entrepreneurship and teleworking are becoming more and more popular. They are places where people from different backgrounds can get together to work. THE PORTRAIT OF THE COWORKER The home-based coworker faces a number of challenges when it comes to balancing work and personal life: rescheduling

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