The Coworking Blog


If I can fit a total of 50 people in a coworking space at once, how?

This is based on your disposition (physical capacity, which we will also call allocation) and the frequency with which you use your limbs (logical capacity, which we will also call demand). There are a multitude of variables at play, all of which can have different effects. The specifics of your scenario may be known to

If I can fit a total of 50 people in a coworking space at once, how? Read More »


Why is a coworking space the best place for a client meeting?

A meeting with a client is important to you, so why not choose a coworking space that offers many benefits. With coworking spaces, small businesses, startups, sole proprietors, and entrepreneurs can host and meet with clients in a professional setting for a fraction of the cost of an actual personnel office. This means that small and

Why is a coworking space the best place for a client meeting? Read More »


Are shared coworking spaces the future of creativity?

Yes, they are! However, success is not only determined by appearance, but also by originality and scope of thought. Consider alternative locations for your startup or small business that will allow it to grow. With these choices, the costs you won’t have to bear will be much lower. For a developing small business, sharing an

Are shared coworking spaces the future of creativity? Read More »


What are advantages of shared office and coworking space?

The market for office real estate in Luxembourg’s business centers is steadily rising. Office buildings built and owned by developers are snapped up before they are completed, but condominiums are also making a comeback. Coworking spaces, or collaborative work spaces, are becoming increasingly popular because of this growth. Coworking space, also known as a shared

What are advantages of shared office and coworking space? Read More »


What are the facilities that coworking spaces offer in Luxembourg?

There is a new craze for coworking spaces. Every year, the offer of these spaces in Luxembourg become more and more important. More than ever, small businesses and independent entrepreneurs are choosing coworking spaces and shared offices over their own workplace.  Millennials are less likely than previous generations to value ownership. People now prefer to

What are the facilities that coworking spaces offer in Luxembourg? Read More »


Why is a coworking space on rent good for a business startup?

If you’re a startup owner, you’re probably spending a lot of time working. In your favorite coffee shop or on your kitchen table, you may have set up your laptop as your “office.” You may have been a one-person team up until now, which meant that you couldn’t afford to establish a full-fledged office. A

Why is a coworking space on rent good for a business startup? Read More »


What is co-living entrepreneurship beyond coworking?

For those who don’t have to adhere to a 9-to-5 work schedule, co-living entrepreneurship is a great option for those who have the ability to work from anyplace. Traveling while simultaneously working, living, and studying is known as cohabitation. In a similar vein, there is the practice of co-working. When self-employed people come together, they

What is co-living entrepreneurship beyond coworking? Read More »

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